We participate in the
Business Unusual

We participate in the
Business Unusual
Business Unusual is a programme to strengthen social entrepreneurship in Poland, implemented by the Stocznia Foundation with the support of Google.org. We created it to help start-ups and existing social ventures, mainly aimed at people with refugee and migrant experience. We want to make these initiatives as sustainable and self-sustaining as possible to maximise their effectiveness.
Social entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is the ‘middle way’ between the world of business and the world of social organisations. Its aim, like that of organisations, is social change in the broadest sense, which is implemented through business methods. In it, social benefit is more important than economic profit.
Mówią, że najtrudniejszy jest pierwszy krok. Robimy go same, ale zawsze jest łatwiej, gdy ktoś nas wspiera. I to bezinteresownie!
Join our partners
We believe that there are many joint projects and events ahead of us that will give rise to a long-term relationship.
+48 799 920 131
Concordia Design
wyspa Słodowa 7, 50-266 Wrocław
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