Why are we doing it?

The war in Ukraine has caused heavy destruction of civilian infrastructure and significant casualties. In order to survive, thousands have fled their homes, leaving behind everything: families, pets,
and life’s possessions. As a result of unprecedented Russian aggression in Ukraine, 2.7 million refugees have already crossed the border into Poland.

There are around 3 million Ukrainian war refugees in Poland. The majority
of them are women who are in desperate need of assistance. Many have ended up in large cities, such as Warsaw, Krakow, and Wroclaw. Despite every effort to verify the data accurately, these numbers are only estimates.

It has been estimated that more than 250 thousand people from Ukraine have already found their refuge in Lower Silesia, 100 thousand of them in Wroclaw itself. Only in Warsaw, there are more than 600 thousand people from Ukraine at the moment.

Our Manifesto

We integrate the local community around ideas and activities aimed at strengthening (social) the position of Ukrainian women in Poland - for our common future.

Ukrainka w Polsce to inicjatywa, która powstała, aby zintegrować różne lokalne środowiska biznesowe i niekomercyjne wokół idei wzmocnienia pozycji kobiet Ukraińskich w Polsce. Chcemy działać dla wspólnej przyszłości nas wszystkich – Polaków i Ukrainek. Dając Ukrainkom nowe szanse, pomagając im „stanąć na nogi” i zbudować siebie na nowo w Polsce działamy zarówno dla tych, które uciekły przed wojną, ale i dla lokalnej społeczności gospodarzy, którzy stają przed nowymi wyzwaniami.

Ukrainian Woman in Poland is an initiative created to integrate various local business and non-commercial environments around the idea of strengthening the position of Ukrainian women in Poland. We want to act for the common future of all of us – Poles and Ukrainian women. By giving Ukrainian women new chances, helping them to “get back on their feet” and rebuild themselves in Poland, we act both for those who fled the war, but also for the local community of hosts who face new challenges.

The Ukrainian woman in Poland is an initiative inspired by the Implementation of the The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including in particular strengthening the position of women in business in accordance with the UN slogan “Equality means business”, which promotes education, training and professional development of women.

This is especially important for Ukrainian women who fled their homes, leaving behind everything: families, pets, and life’s possessions look for a safe haven in a neighboring country – Poland. These women, often highly educated, competent, and willing to develop, are at risk of professional marginalization in Poland. Not knowing the language or local labor law regulations, they have less chance of achieving a high professional position and reward appropriate to their competences.

These Ukrainian women in Poland deserve to return opportunities they had been deprived of by the war. And this is only possible with the simultaneous involvement of local governments, private companies and public institutions.