
Henryka Bochniarz

Chairwoman of the General Council of the Lewiatan Confederation

The Ukrainian Women in Poland Foundation is a unique project, which improves the situation of Ukrainian women in Poland by educating them in every possible area - especially in business - and gives them the opportunity to enter the labour market. Building a local community through which Poland's society is strengthened, bringing people together and preventing social conflicts are fundamental components of national security. This is what the programme Ukrainka360° is about, which I very much support and I am cheering Yulia on, so that as many business partners as possible join it. Every contribution contributes to building a safe and integrated society, in which Poles and Ukrainians can work and develop together. The role of women is particularly important in every industry. And in every industry there is a large space and huge potential for Ukrainian women in Poland.

Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram

Co-founder of the #FreeCourts initiative and the KOS Committee for the Defence of Justice.

It is with great conviction that I support the Ukrainian in Poland Foundation and Julia personally in her work to integrate and promote the achievements of Ukrainians in Poland. The foundation helps to adapt to life in Poland and also supports the professional and social development of its beneficiaries. Ukrainka in Poland is not only about educational programmes, assistance in the development of one's own business. Julia cares about psychological support and building intercultural bridges, promoting dialogue and mutual understanding between communities. She is an indispensable partner for Ukrainians and for the Polish community.Yulia Boguslavskaya's leadership as President of the Foundation is extremely inspiring and effective. I admire her enormous personal commitment and leadership based on values such as empathy, professionalism and determination. One of the most important activities is also actively promoting the successes of Ukrainian women through the podcast Ukrainka in Poland, which further builds a positive image of the Ukrainian community in Poland. Her determination to strive for continuous solidarity between Poland and Ukraine and to prevent the professional degradation of migrants make Yulia not only the leader of the organisation, but also an important female voice in promoting Ukrainian-Polish sisterhood and the power of grassroots projects.Through dialogue, cooperation and respect for diversity, the Ukrainian woman in Poland is building a better future for both societies. I strongly encourage you to support Yulia in her mission.

Radosław Sikorski

Member of the European Parliament, member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Subcommittee on Security and Defense. Chairman of the Delegation for Relations with the United States. In 2005–2007, Minister of National Defense, in 2007–2014, Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Ukrainians bravely fight for the freedom and future of their country, and also for the freedom of all of us. We should do our best for Ukraine to emerge victorious from this test, we should support them, that is why together with my wife we funded cars for the defenders of Ukraine. Handing over the vehicles to the soldiers, I thought about their families, about the hundreds of thousands of women with children who, as a result of the Russian attack, found shelter in Poland.Polish women and men showed great solidarity. We opened our hearts and our homes. New bonds were born between our nations. Many new valuable initiatives have been launched. This is how I see "Ukrainka w Polsce" led by Julia Boguslavska - a Ukrainian leader from Donetsk, and at the same time a Polish citizen from Wrocław, whom I met at the European Parliament. It is important that the institutions of a free Europe support non-governmental organizations working for Ukrainians with passion and consistency. It's worth helping them.

Tomasz Siemoniak

Member of Parliament of the Republic of Poland of the 8th, 9th and 10th term, Minister of National Defense (2011–2015), vice-chairman of the Civic Platform. From 2023 Minister – member of the Council of Ministers and Coordinator of Secret Services, and from May 2024 Minister of Interior and Administration in the third government of Donald Tusk. 

A good action is worth a thousand times more than a good talk. That’s why the „Ukrainka w Polsce” project is so worth supporting. As a result of the war, hundreds of thousands Ukrainian women ended up in Poland. After an initial phase of tremendous support and solidarity, there was a need for long-term actions – aimed at finding oneself in the professional and social life in a new country, amid separation and lack of simple opportunities to enter the labour market. Sharing knowledge and coworking are essential in supporting integration. „Ukrainka w Polsce” provides top quality activities with various experts, gives contacts and creates friendship groups. The project operates with great flexibility and openness to Polish women and men. It also builds a positive image of the presence of Ukrainians in Poland as a large added value for Polish society. Moreover, the project delivers modern communication tools that give Ukrainians a practical knowledge about functioning in Poland. I am rooting for this project also for reasons of women rights, equality and tolerance. I wish it will become a nationwide action involving as many people as possible. Good luck, Julia!

Igor Lisin

Vice President of the Board of the Ukraine Foundation, MBA, Member of the Advisory Board of the NGO Forum ‘Together’, sociologist, business trainer and intercultural project manager.

The Ukrainka Foundation in Poland, under the leadership of Yulia Boguslavska, shows extraordinary commitment to promoting education, professional development and building intercultural bridges. Through various programmes, including Ukrainka360°, women from Ukraine receive invaluable assistance in adapting and developing in their new country. The Ukraine Foundation, as an organisation that has supported the Ukrainka in Poland project from the very beginning, has had the opportunity to observe its dynamic development and significant impact on the integration and support of Ukrainian women in Poland. Yulia Boguslavska, with her professionalism, empathy and determination, contributes to the creation of an integrated and strong Ukrainian-Polish community. The Ukrainka in Poland Foundation is not only an inspiring leader, but also an indispensable partner for other organisations supporting Ukrainian migrants. The Ukrainian Women in Poland Foundation is a unique project for me personally, and Yulia Boguslavska's innovative approach to conducting this activity has my full recognition and deserves my cooperation and support.

Aidan Booth

Director of Specialists, Central Europe, Google

I am deeply inspired by the work of Ukrainka w Polsce and Julia Boguslavska. The war in Ukraine has caused so much destruction and devastation, yet in such times the depth of the human spirit shines through. The courageous Ukranian women that I met are not diminished by the impact the war has had on them and their families. Instead they choose to focus on the future and develop their personal and professional skills. Though they were forced to leave their homes due to the war, they have shown true resilience and fortitude to set up new lives in a new country, and in doing strive to make the very best of a situation that was forced upon them. I was grateful to have the opportunity to host a group from Ukrainka w Polsce in our offices and in doing so play a small role in their journey. In my professional career I have lived by the values of "Be Brave, Be Curious, Be a Team Player" and I left that first meeting with Ukrainka w Polsce re-energised and motivated to do more to help these powerful women who are living examples of those values.


Women@Google is a program aiming at developing and supporting talents inside and outside Google. Our team dedicates itself to share the knowledge and build connections with local communities, where Google operates.We decided to support Ukrainka w Polsce to show women from Ukraine to never give up on their talents no matter how hard their life situations can be. The atmosphere of the Ukrainka w Polsce community resonated with our culture, values and our goal to help people in any part of the world.Ukrainka w Polsce is passionate about growing women's talents and professional expertise just as much as we are ignited by this idea at Google. We've heard so many inspiring, and at times, heart-breaking stories of women from Ukraine, and yet the audience brainstormed fantastic business ideas on our workshops that we co-hosted with Ukrainka w Polsce. Although Wroclaw is the city of various businesses and expat connections, there is still a lack of female-oriented activities, and we are glad to make a change about it with Ukrainka w Polsce.As such, we focus our time and effort to support women from Ukraine to settle in Poland professionally through running CV and interview practice workshops, mastering public speaking skills and sharing our experience about being part of large tech companies such as Google.We are excited to partner up with Ukrainka w Polsce Lead Julia Bogulsavska and be part of her inspiring journey to help women from Ukraine to prosper in the new country. With Julia's strong leadership, compassion and dedication we are certain Ukrainka w Polsce will thrive and help many other women to realise their potential and find their own path.And we await for it with admiration!