Join the most holistic social security initiative in Poland

Join the most holistic social security initiative in Poland

About the program

The Ukrainka360° program, initiated by thу Ukrainian Woman in Poland Foundation, is a program that, by bringing together people from different backgrounds and industries, works to advance the professional development of Ukrainian women in Poland by pursuing two important social security goals:

Preparing Ukrainian women in Poland to:

A / enter the Polish labor market, or

B / open their own business in Poland

Creating a platform to engage experts in various fields in knowledge sharing and educational activities to support Ukrainian women migrants in Poland.

Why Ukrainka360°?

We are a program aimed at migrant women that supports Ukrainian women on the path to economic stabilization and social integration in such a comprehensive way.

The support we provide is delivered by recruited experts in such a way that the participants can derive maximum benefit from the sessions, and most importantly, that they are psychologically ready to take on new professional and business challenges.

Psychological preparation and coaching

Therefore, the first point of the program is always psychological assistance. We next help through motivational and coaching classes, including personal branding. After that, we support in preparing for the job search and walking through the recruitment process.

Basic knowledge of the State

An important stage of training is civic education. In these classes, Ukrainian women gain knowledge of Poland’s political system, basic civil rights and freedoms, international obligations, especially those arising from Poland’s membership in the European Community. We are of the opinion that without understanding how the country in which one has settled functions, it is difficult to plan one’s personal and professional development. We want Ukrainian women to know and understand the essence of the democratic system, including the relationship between central and local government, and actively follow the decisions that affect the lives of migrants in Poland. And in the future, so that they can consciously participate in social life in Poland.

Development of hard competencies

Ukrainka360° also organizes training courses within the framework of the so-called Business School, where we emphasize marketing and strategic competencies, as well as meetings with experts from specific industries, such as hospitality, real estate, medical industry, service sector, education, etc. For those planning to open a business, we enable them to participate in training courses on accounting and taxes in Poland.
A program structured in this way allows us to provide high-quality support to our mentees to realistically develop their potential and achieve their goals, as evidenced by the success stories we can already be proud of.

Without social, economic and psychological security, there is no national security

Social security

For the past 2 years, the most common word in public debate has been security. It leads the rankings of the most important issues for people. It extends into many areas far from the classical understanding of security. This means that the security of our lives has become a category to which we relate everything. It is natural that the fear of a rocket that might fall on a house diminishes other problems, although it does not override them. My ambition is to take a new approach to security and make it clear that everyone should know about it. Even if one is in a profession distant from security issues, knowledge and awareness in this area can be crucial to survival.

Knowledge of security allows you to make better life and career decisions. That’s why I want to promote security issues very strongly within the framework of the Ukrainian women in Poland Foundation. Without social, economic and psychological security, there is no national security. I see a big role for Ukrainian women in the future reconstruction and development of Ukraine. With them in mind, I am creating a program to support Ukrainian women in Poland Ukrainka 360. It is designed to include various educational activities conducted by experts in various fields who want to unite around the integration and reconstruction of Ukraine. From psychological support, motivational coaching to narrowly substantive classes and training programs aimed at building economic security for Ukrainian women in Poland and Ukrainian youth to recruitment and opening their own business in Poland.

If migrants from Ukraine with the support of Poles and building together opportunities for personal and professional development feel safe and stable then Poles will also feel safe living side by side for a long time to come. Together we will be stronger.

The security element must be fundamental for Ukraine for decades to come. Like in South Korea or Israel. This work must continue and only together.

Participation in the Ukrainka 360 program can be through financial support for education and providing free educational services to the wards of the Ukrainian women in Poland Foundation.

Join the program today like many companies and individuals – brothers and sisters with whom together we create a safe Poland. Together, we are already making an impact on the safe future of Ukraine and the reintegration of Ukrainian women when they return home.

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Join the program Ukrainka360°

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We believe that we will have many joint projects and events that will give rise to a long-term relationship.

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